I've never been a good political songwriter. My dad is awesome at it... must skip a generation or something. BUT, I've decided in these tumultuous times, I have no choice but to improve my poor skills because there's a lot that needs to be said.
So... does anyone write political songs? If so, are you naturally good or did it take practice? Does anyone have any tips? Whenever I've begun writing one, it's either too explicit or too angry-sounding, or both (my father has a knack for writing witty satirical ones).
So I'd like to hear about your political songs, and see if I can learn something.
I usually find political songs that take on a big topic, like world hunger, world peace, war, etc. to sound a little cheezy. On the other hand, political songs that focus on a small issue tend to sound more sincere. Billy Joel's Allentown comes to mind. It's a powerful song about the struggles in small town America, but hitting on universal themes like unemployment, unions, etc. he really makes his point without sounding grandiose. U2 used to make political songs that targeted specific events like Bloody Sunday in Ireland and the assasination of MLK. Being angry at war is cliche. Sorry, it just is. But I once wrote a political-ish song after a soldier I knew told me the story of how his buddy got blown up by a land mine after being sent out without the proper tools to dismantle it. The dead guy got blamed for getting himself killed, so the family couldn't go after the captain that issued the order that got him killed. That kind of granular focus is what stirs emotions.
Find a story, or a person that inspires you, and that reinforces the same basic thought you're trying to convay, and focus on that story. If you're writing a song for or against the war in Iraq, find a soldier who wants to talk about it, or a story you read in a local newspaper. If you want to write about hunger, write about a homeless man or a child who you know who is or has been hungry. If you've been hungry, write about that.
Political messages are best when they touch people on a more personal level. Otherwise, it's still just old guys in suits with big smiles.