I was living in Manhattan at the time and moved my wife and baby girl to Canada two months later. I wrote this while driving alone in a 25' truck loaded with all of my worldly possesions through Nebraska on my way to Vancouver where my wife was waiting.
v1 God save America, God save us all My thoughts they turn to my daughter as I drive through Omaha I want her to know her homeland's a beautiful place Someday she'll ask me why I took her so far away
Ch. Everything changed the day the towers came down I stood with a crowd of people and we watched without a sound Someday my reasons will be all too clear Something are better left behind my dear
v2 Grace I'm dreaming of you now I make a mooing sound as you smile at all the cows I guess you should know that I'm to blame The smoke is gone now, but the memories still remain
Ch. Everything changed the day the towers came down I stood with a crowd of people and we watched without a sound I pray that you never know that kind of fear Something are better left behind my dear
Br. Remember that you'll always be an American Remember that you'll always have the freedom that our fathers died for They say that you can never go back home again They don't understand that home can be a place you've never been before
V3 God bless America, God bless this truck I'm meeting my girls at the border and I've had some pretty good luck Three thousand miles I drive alone One mile for every person that will never get another chance to go home
Ch. Everything changed the day the towers came down I stood with a crowd of people and we watched without a sound Maybe someday I will take you there Something are better left behind my dear
This is an interesting set of lyrics to me because they take into account some different complexities and explore a different set of implications from other songs about it. Right afterward, there were songs of pain, lamenting the horror and the tragedy, and there were gung-ho, go get 'em America type songs - and they all served valuable purposes. Americans were desperate for a voice, to find some means of expression and asserting strength, finding re-assurance. But this is very personal and yet to parents/families it rings a universal chord.
The only words I find weak in comparison to the rest are - "I've had some pretty good luck" They don't seem up to the lines just before them, which are very powerful. Suggest something like
God bless America, God bless this truck My girls wait at the border, God bless the deal we've struck
Anyway, the "pretty good luck" seems like the only part that needs work; the rest is a very moving treatment of the subject and the only personalized lyrics about it I recall seeing/hearing.