If you think the song is going to get better with a few tweaks just because someone did not like it as well as the author(you) then your not confident enough with your own work anyway.
If you send out crap that will never be ready, and then think that adding more reverb will fix a multitude of sonic sin, you could not be more "wrong" if your but was screwed on backwards.
In the final anyali, analasis...in the end, the FIRST GUT THINKING or FEELING a listener gets from the song is very difficult to wash away.
The ability and willingness to edit, rewrite, colloborate, tweak and otherwise molest one's original perfect idea to the point that it stops sucking as badly as it once did is key in the development of song and songwriter.
So I say, by all means, rewrite, re-record, re-post, and see what happens. Additional re-verb is of course optional.
I find myself in a good place currently and am working on at least three songs with death killing or dying as part of the focus. Odd thing to me is, they are more about life and living.
Seems like I'm either dead trying to live or living looking towards the dying...it's a viscious circle.