Congrats CUZ. It's a good song and I hope to hear more from you . That 9-11 tune still makes me want to drive a sharp stick through my eardrums, but this one I like!
I'm kidding, of course.
half kidding, anyway.
Heck, you didn't think I had to refrain from commenting just 'cause I work here? Sorry -- My wife won't listen to anything I say, so I need this.
You shouldn't listen to my opinion on that song. I was downtown on 9-11 and at Ground 0 with red cross after. I still don't like to think about the subject.
You know neither do i but i lost a dear dear friend and i just wanted to give something artisticaly and i did not want it to be depressing but it was and i thought i would mask it with ultra pop and i still dont even understand the production myself and i did it! Its weird i know but sincere and true . Its hard broaching a subject like that. I meant it as a celebration. I was on prince and thompson as well. not in the guts like you but i can still smell the air and feel that feeling and i dont think i will write a song about it again , it seems exploitative to me and thats why 9/11 song is the way it is, i did not want to pray on peoples sadness but i wanted to write away from the sadness because its inevitable of the outcome no matter what. Truthfully i dont know what i think about it though. peace D
Oh, Jack why dont you like me? sophmoric CD? I would like to hear one of your songs big guy! What the deal homeboy you seem aggravated or sumthing? PEACE D
s*h*i*t Cuz, I like ya fine! In yer pictures you look trustworthy:) Your work is a good listen. Especially "Stranger to me."(sorry, that's the title I remember it by) I just mangle words up on a regular basis...oh, I plan on recording your debut cd off of your website this evening, k?
You had no bio, what you play, do, etc on why is that?
Im sorry i must have misinterpreted. Cool enough though. Yea download away , all you want. Actually i think it only streams but do whatever it is you can to record it. peace D