HAHA.....but whilst we wait for Ms.O to return and put you guys in your place (hehe), maybe you wouldn't mind this little interlude. "Uilleann Pipes" (pronounced "ill-yan")! What a wonderful instrument! Great to now be able to put YouTube vids on here ...
SICKOS, SYCOPHANTS, POSEURS - do you realize this discussion has had ALMOST 300 views and 30+ replies, while that nice young man Brad Roll that you all gush and gooooo-gooooo over posted his sweet lyrics at about the same time, and Ronnie was the only one who had the courtesy to even reply (and with thoughtful remarks at that - though Dude, I am starting to think you have GONE BAD too)???? A perfect illustration of why this site is in the TOILET - you'd rather spat and growl and fight and CHEW SOMEBODY'S ASS than be suportive to someone you CLAIM to adore. I started this thread in a spirit of harmony and sharing a minor success, WHICH I never made out to be more than it was - but NOOOOOOOOOOO, it was exploited as an opportunity to criticize and ridicule and accuse and SNARL! I can't believe I've wasted this much verbage on this discussion - now get offa my... my.... THREAD!!!
"you all", "you CLAIM", this must be for CA....I personally, well except that one night of drinking Lemon shooters and wine on stage, have never gushed nor goooo-gooooed over anybody. You do know I'ma little stunted in the courtesy dept. right? But when I looked into that alleged posting and no courtesy thing, I noticed that YOU had not said one single word to that, whatd you say, nice young man, either!!!! HA! Come to the dark side!!!!!
You're right Sharon, and I admit to helping exploit this thread at the expense of the Topic, but it was only in the spirit of having some fun, and in light of the fact that we "needle each other a bit in here" no harm was meant, by anyone.
Anyway, I do apologize. After all, it is/was your topic/thread! Maybe we really do start to lose it as we get closer to Senior Member status (not sure if that's funny or not) ...
I guess that is were I lose my focus...when involved in a "thread" and the "owner" jumps around like a kitten on hot sand, and I, the non-owner, am supposed to stay "on topic." That's crazy. Hell lets be real here, the only reason a thread was supposed to be maintained was due to the slow ness of a "modem" connection...I still have a 2400BAUD...other then that we all have the equalivent of a T-1 connection now-a-days. Topic my ass, wheres the porn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm not dead boys and girls- just busy. Haven't had time to rate a song in probably two months, but somehow Istill found time to pull Sharon's pony tail.
sheeesh, you guys took all the fun out of it, Ronnie apologizing, Jack getting all self-righteous, even CA playing half-way cute.....just as well - am busy, will have to sign off awhile, have a good summer.....................somebody drop me an email if something exciting happens
Somebody email Sharon- we have an emergency. A song has been posted in which the singing is actually soothing. I repeat, soothing. Please turn down your speakers and slowly back away...