I should have won first place! I am happy with 2nd. but i should have won first! Thanks for all the comments peoples, even the sarcastic ones written by the pussies that dont leave a name!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you all. peace and love CUZIN D WWW.MYSPACE.COM/CUZIND
ain't no pussies said anything adverse about the tune. It does, however, look like someone (not me) would like to see a different production. Maybe it would be that persons first time, ya know D?
Twist it up and see if it don't sound like **** out of a camels ass smells:)
Oh you guys are taking that way to seriously, I was just throwing that in because it pisses me off for like a milisecond. I like the Don Henely thang! I am just being what i thought was funny, sorry for the misunderstanding. I still should of won first though. ha, ha , ha CUZIN D