I know AW is about original expression. That is fine with me. EVEN MORE Than this. AW is a proving ground. A PLACE TO PRACTICE YOUR CRAFT. Get feed back and head fearless into the the reality of performance quality material.
STEP UP are the words AW invites you to this site.
They are patient and supportive.
You - on the other hand, don't seem to realize what you have here at AW.
Hey, Jeff - I'm not 100% sure who the "you" are you're addressing. The handful of us on the forums, heck, guess we wouldn't have hung around, what, close to two years now, if we weren't finding it useful. Some sites are just universal admiration clubs, which doen't help anybody....maybe you're trying to encourage those song posters who DON'T jump in here a little, or those 30 - 40 a day lurkers, to get a little more active.....? Anyway, yes, there is a lot of benefit to be gotten here, we all appreciate this site, I think, but I'd still say it's just as -- or even more -- important to be out performing and interacting with live audiences and other songwriters. As much as possible. The more avenues of feedback and exposure, the better; one source will never provide a full spectrum of commentary. My thoughts, anyway......
Hope the weather's getting nice up yonder for ya - yours too, RB, if you're lurking ....! Central FL high 80s, all sunshine....rainy afternoons will set in soon though
crazy that i should post as deborah and jeffrey. yes I do know how precious Artist Weekly is . Someday when you realize it you will spell it out. AR just doesn't seem to do it for me. Not very respectful, don't you agree!!!
its been a long time but i have been a fan of artist weeklly and i still am how do i get to the sight were i can hear the music? hoping there is still music to hear?
this is the debbie that use to be the jeff and debbie i might have posted with my thoughts. not to be confused with jeffery's i apoligize for any confusioun. please forgive me.