What's up Everyone!!! First off... Just want to throw a shout out to all the talented artists on here and all the constructive advice you give. I've been on this site for quite some time and actually use it as part of our songwriting process. My band Valacia posted a song a few weeks back called "I'll Be Fine" and got a 2nd place which was a HUGE compliment to us. We're a girl/guy duo recording our debut record in The Bay Area and Phoeniz, AZ. I think it's sad that these days the "Concept" of an entire record is becoming obsolete and the "Single" is dominating the business. I'm oldschool and love the romance that goes behind the creation of a full record from beginning to end. The best records tell a story and that's what created the mystique of some of our favorite artists and influences. Joni Mitchell, Prince, Fleetwood Mac, The Beatles, The Cure, Floyd, Etta James, Johnny Cash, LZ to name a few.
Anyways... our first song posted "I'll Be Fine" is a light hearted, upbeat, dance along pop song that could be played acoustically or in a club. I tried to keep it as simple as possible without making it too redundant. Our final mix (the one posted here was around 90% finished) is filed away now for Mastering so we've been able to really start hitting some fresh material. The song we posted yesterday is called Champlain and is a totally different beast altogether. It was born out of the opening riff and my main goal was to create one song that contained elemets of what could be 3 different songs if you broke it up. I wanted to tell a beginning, a middle and an end. I think we accomplished that and hopefully my grandfather who served in WWII and was on Champlain LST 197 would be proud. The power of songwriting is bigger then all of us and I'm just happy to be able to share our visions with you as well as enjoying all of your music and art.
Cheers to art of making a "Record" and the talents of songwriting that we've been blessed with!!! We'll be seeing you on the road soon!!! ;)