after reading alot of your interesting, creative comments, i'm curious about your music. can you direct me to some of your songs on AW or a website if you have one? thanks.
Hi Kellie- I guess you didn't care for the Cher reference. Oh well, you can't please everyone, and neither can I!
I can tell you if you listen to the songs on this site, you've heard me sing and you've heard my writing, and you may have loved it. You also may have not loved it, and either way, I hope you took the time to express why you felt how you felt. That's what I try to do.
You'll have to forgive me if I don't just rush out and tell you anything about myself. I have ears and a brain that works most of the time. That should be enough to "Listen and Rate."
thanks for your reply. by the way, the 'cher' comment did not bother me. i'm sure you will find it easy to believe that i've heard that one a couple of times before. immune to it. wouldn't mind having a bank account like hers either! i was actually referring to your "interesting and creative" comments on this forum. you seem to have really strong, sometimes emotionally charged oppinions about music in general. at least, that's how i have perceived it - if i'm wrong, sorry. i was just curious to see if your music had the same intensity that i sense when i read your comments. that's all. kellie
Looks like I'm not telling. But keep posting your songs. I enjoy them. You and Steve are doing nice work. But please,try to sing a little less jazzy on country songs! CA