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Post Info TOPIC: "Song Description" - who sees?

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"Song Description" - who sees?

Am curious - when posting a song, there is a space for Song Description, but when I play people's songs, I don't see these descriptions. Are they only visible to the judges.....?


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RE: "Song Description" - who sees?

So what Is you point Sharon O.


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Good question  -- At the moment, that data is only viewable by administrators. But thanks for reminding me-- we've talked about this before but we need to figure out how to display that info. I'm putting it on the list. Thanks. We really value this kind of input.


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RE: "Song Description" - who sees?

Well, I know there are different opionions as to the merits of the writer's own prefatory remarks on a song, one school of thought being that the song should speak for itself, not have to be explained; another being that the writer's remarks can be helpful by better putting the song in the context the writer intended. Myself, I like to be able to see at least brief remarks from the writer, to get an idea of his/her intentions.

Jeff, has this dialog between BC and me provided you sufficient elucidation as to what Is me point ?


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I know big words too:


you kill me sharon, you really do.


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RE: "Song Description" - who sees?

About the time I get sufficient elucidation that's when I pass out. Thanks for asking.


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Sharon, funny you ask, because the first tune I ever posted I remember writing up a description thinking other folks would be able to see it. Then nothing.

So yeah, BC, if you get that incorporated into the new super-duper, Swiss army knifed version of the song player, it'd be most welcome. But of course, with ability to hide the description box for those that want to hear the song raw without influence.


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RE: "Song Description" - who sees?

BC - I take it this hasn't change, that the songwriter's description can't be seen except by judges? Perhaps if commenters could read what the songwriter says, esp about his/her intentions in the song or background, it might cut down on some of the more stupid comments.

-- Edited by SharonO at 08:42, 2006-10-14


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RE: "Song Description" - who sees?

SharonO wrote:... it might cut down on some of the more stupid comments.

In order to cut down on stupid comments you have to get rid of stupid people. Now I ask you, how possible is that?

It would most likely just be more ammunition anyway.

If it ain't broke don't fix it...


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RE: "Song Description" - who sees?

Sharon, the files you speak of are secret files that are sent to me and then kept in a filing cabinet in alphabetical and chronological order along with 8x10 color glossy photos with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one telling how it's going to be used as evidence against you!



-- Edited by Jlamont at 14:27, 2007-01-19


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Song Description - who sees?

Sharon..... thank you for maintaining some measure (except Steve) of sanity left in this thread!  You were right (THEY'RE CRAZY)!! There are at least TWO AH's in here, that are not helping the cause at all, and are actually driving people away(?)....!!!...(is this all they have to do with their time?)!  Maybe they're just bored(?)!..




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Song Description from a loser perspective

I think everyone your talking about is accountable and present. you acting like your talking to somebody else. WELL SOMEBODY ELSE IS ALL LISTENING.


you can act like your talkin' to someone who isn't here...that's what passive aggressives do, but your showing a lack of nutz by posting that WORTHLESS comment you posted in an INSTRUMENTAL song in an attempt to address your "unhappyness with the way things are going" and "why do lyrics matter"((in an how CRAZY is that)) because of at least TWO AHS.


wowont' chu Man up rb.





-- Edited by Jack at 13:58, 2007-01-20

-- Edited by Jack at 14:01, 2007-01-20

-- Edited by Jack at 14:03, 2007-01-20

-- Edited by Jack at 14:05, 2007-01-20

-- Edited by Jack at 14:07, 2007-01-20


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RE: Song Description; - who sees?

Most of us came here for MUSIC, not this silly soap opera which has little to do with much of anything except being the "coolest man in town"! You poked me with a hot iron Jack, and I'm sorry to be so reactive, but I just get a little owly when I'm sick! I don't "slither" around. My full name, email address (etc.) is there (unlike yours) and if you want to mail me I'll even give you my phone number so you can spew your hatred at me in person!

Why you all pounce on Sharon like that? What am I missing?


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When the Saints, coming marching in...

You want undisturbed music get a radio.

No skin off my back that your "sick", I've been sick, hurt, drunk, sober, happy, sad, homeless, homeowner, from having two girlfriends to being another number on the erectile dysfunction list...all right here in the living color AW soap opera!

But you nor anyone else would know about that, would you.

My son wanted to be a mountain climber when he was younger. An accident left him with a weak knee that can go out at anytime, so he just cannot physically do that.

Often and by many that show up here, they want to climb mountains, but they have weak knees. And if they have weak knees do we jeopardize their physical well-being and tell them to continue on, you can do it, just try harder?

No sir, we tell them to get the **** off the bus because their money is no good here, get a haircut and get a real job. Not every job can be done by anyone that wishes to try.

You and people like you, that see the expression of music as "opium for the masses" tend to make me and people like me sick at our stomach.

But at least you finally stepped up and brought the crap where it was gonna go in the first place.

Since I am what I am, a suggestion that maybe I cool off or take an anger management course is out of the scenario.

Hatred? You don't know me boss. Childish maybe, foolish, self absorbed, mean spirited and one dimensional, I really am smarter than you, what I say goes maybe...hatred?

This place would be another MySpace-lovefest if someone didn't stop people from kissing each others MySpace ass on occasion, so if you and ALL your "most people" want that, maybe you and yours should be allowed to have the putrid smell of your own excrement that this lovefest will term "MUSIC."

I think it is a wonderful idea.

I am about the f/u/c/k tired of defending Jack and his ideas that this business is run by numbers and they are divided against you and simple minds that think any fifth grader with a computer and fruity loops can make something musically brilliant.

Finding a way to tell some loser his/her music is mediocre over and over, time and time again these past eleven months is monotonous. Scheduling time to listen to the songs, ALL THE SONGs, listen again, and say something as useful as possible considering that much of it is garbage and should not be available here or anywhere else for that matter MUCH less in the running for an acknowledgment.

That is MORE then the god damn site owners do and certianly more than any five of the drive-bys do in any one week.

Frankly, whoever gets ranked it didn't have a thing to do with your presence here, mine or anyone for that matter.

Why bother right? Sit back and enjoy the show, bring yer own in flight bags, if ya know what I mean.

Maybe it is time for a change, spring is starting to show, we have nothin' but bad vibes after almost a year with nothing of any importance to show for it. Maybe I'll start work on my fourth album or finish the shed. Heck, times like these, maybe I'll jump off the wagon head first.


J.-ust A.-nother C.-luster fuc-K.


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RE: Song Description - who sees?

Jack, you make me love you (in spite of the name-calling)! Maybe you just need a good tune..


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RE: "Song Description" - who sees?

Hey RB-

Can I be an AH too?  Pretty please?

This may sound pretty stupid from me, but I seem to live on the skinniest branch of the stupid tree, so here goes: Let's have a song contest!

I know what you're thinking; how dumb! How could we pull that off?  Here's my idea.  You guys upload  songs to a website (we could invite the general public too, warblers and all) and we'll get some industry insiders (BC, you know anybody?) to listen to the songs and rate them and pick a winner, but we'll also let the GP do the same thing, only we won't use their ratings for anything other than conversation.   In that vein, we could have a space where people could not only rate your song on a scale of say, five or something, but also where they could optionally leave comments about it.  

Then to top it all off, we could have a forum, get this, this is the good part, where the people who actually take the time to offer their honest opinions can attack one another for stupid reasons, sometimes under the auspices of defending another, sometimes just for fun, sometimes in self defense, but always in pursuit of nothing more than having the last word.

If that wasn't enough, (here's the real genius of my sinister plan): let some guy in Florida that has a young family, a decent heart and an obvious abiding love of music pay for it.  Man, this is genius! 

Based on the observable evidence, Brendan is the only one here that can be judged insane,  He's the one subsidizing this bull****.

If you don't mind, and i know you will, I'd love to listen to more of your music and less of your "thoughts."  Not that I don't love the banter, you all know I do, but we can do better by BC and his crew by focusing less on each other's personal opinions and flaws and more on the tunes.

Why don't the two of you each write a song about the other and post it here.   Now THAT would be worth discussing.







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RE: "Song Description" - who sees?

What name do you use (would love to hear you David)? I use my REAL name, but mostly submit for several friends!


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RE: "Song Description" - who sees?


Doesn't matter what name you post it under.  Just do some music.



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Coffee Anon wrote:


Doesn't matter what name you post it under. Just do some music.

Your right. I get thin skinned and cry out loud when I am left alone in the parking lot. But I don't have anymore music to submit, mine or anyone elses.

All I have in the forseeable future is the ability to make unsigned comments (because that is the goal of AW/BC) that makes people think that I read books.

Is there no place for someone of that type here? 



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Maybe we should all just agree that none of us is normal (haha)!

Hey, AW Radio's not a bad listen!


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RE: "Song Description" - who sees?

Aw c'mon guys. That's no way to be. Both of you are quite talented. I'm sure you can pull something together.  RB, those old stlye western tunes you do are just to my liking. One more won't kill ya, and if it does, it'll give us something to remember you by.

Jack , if nothing else email me your version of Ohio as I never got to hear it.  If all you have left is your opinion, please share it. However, if the only thing holding you back from more postings is production, email me a rough demo or a lyric sheet or whatever and I'll see what I can do. Lots of bored talented people 'round here that still enjoy making music just for the hell of it.

-- Edited by Coffee Anon at 20:32, 2007-01-22


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RE: "Song Description" - who sees?

Jlamont wrote:

..... along with 8x10 color glossy photos with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one telling how it's going to be used as evidence against you!


-- Edited by Jlamont at 14:27, 2007-01-19

haha - now that's a classic ! I still pull out the vinyl every Thanksgiving and play it while the turkey cooks!   The movie has been back on HBO a couple of times - Arlo all skinny, walking around in his whitey-tighties at the induction center, what a hoot  


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PS - wow JL, you sure lit a fire in this thread - I gotta go back through this to try figure out what the heck's going on....dang, Jack, you sure sound like you got a couple splinters in the back side from dragging that cross around......


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RE: Song Description - who sees?

Hey Sharon......quit pickin' on Jack eh! He's m'bud (haha)!

CA.....all I have is a few things that were done 10-15 years ago. Present circimstances (communal living, close quarters, no real privacy, too many interruptions, etc.) make doing more impossible (maybe I'll be able to move when I hit 65). Anyway, I'll put another up, but must warn you, the lyrics are real dumb. Don't body slam me too hard (haha).


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RE: "Song Description" - who sees?

Coffee Anon wrote: me your version of Ohio ...

I'm just guessing that will work...I wouldn't know of any other way.






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If you click on my listing there, the underlined part, you'll see that my email is available.
I would like to hear it.


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not on my screen your email isn't available. I've looked at it from both sides now. I guess I really don't know life, at all.


Your email address is not visable, what IS visable is the forum email contact thing...and it may not work either because I have not heard back from ya.


I tried to put the MP3 hexadecimal code in the forum comment email box seems to take issue with that as well. 


Ball is in your court.... 


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Hey Jack-
I figured out that if I used I tunes instead of the other thing I was working the MP3 coding was fine.  So i just need to download Itunes onto my computer in the studio and next time I won't have any trouble. 

Last week you could've emailed me by clicking on my alias and selecting send an email.  that went away, not my doing, not sure what happened, but i put it back.

Just in case you have any trouble with that try

Send me Ohio.


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can ya hear the real

Hey, shore hate to look like my mama...but let me know if that didn't make it to your email. Seems I had a "perred" @ the end of the whole thing.

Sorry bout at.

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